Headshot & Corporate Photography
Brian and Mark from BLMS recently asked me to do a series of headshots of them and also some of them working with a client. They chose a superb venue called the Digital Media Centre in Barnsley.
My remit was to create headshots and corporate images that weren’t just guys in suits that they can use for business and social media to show them interacting with each other and with their clients.
By using a variety of different locations around the media centre and posing Brian and Mark in both business and more relaxed dress I think this was achieved. The meeting was live and photographed with the client’s permission.
Because the light in the media centre was so good the majority of the photographs were shot in natural light rather than using flash.
About BLMS
Based in Sheffield, BLMS is a select group of IT Managers who help companies by providing interim IT leadership. They offer this on a contract basis by covering temporary gaps in the IT management team (for example, following a resignation) or on a consultancy basis by providing specialist experience and knowledge to drive a particular project forward
Their website is www.blmsconsulting.co.uk and the phone number is 0114 398 4344
To see the images full screen simply double click on a photo and then use the side arrows on screen to scroll through the rest of the gallery
If you need standard white background headshots or something a little different then please let me know and we can get together for a chat
nick@footprintprintphoto.biz or 07964 10 9 8 7 6